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Position:Home>Dancing> How can i convince my parents to letting me do dance camp which is a lot of mone

Question:i loveeee to dance and i rly want to do it this summer!!!! but the camp i want to go to is like $500 dollars and my parents don't know if they can spend that much!!! does anyone have any ideas to convince them??? =[

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i loveeee to dance and i rly want to do it this summer!!!! but the camp i want to go to is like $500 dollars and my parents don't know if they can spend that much!!! does anyone have any ideas to convince them??? =[

ask your parents if you can do small jobs like said above, than make a deal like i will earn half the money and they wil pay the rest. im sure that if they see that determination in you they will help you, but if you quit before trying ur best they will see that you arn't serious about it, so prove to them that i will do everything i can to earn that money, and than eventually they might be able to afford it, because it won't beso much money left to pay it off, since you did most of the work. you will also feel proud and good about yourself that you did something on your own. :D i hope you go their. it seems that its like a dream, i hope it can come true :D

You can't convince them to spend money they don't have. Try to earn some money yourself - walk dogs, get a paper route, clean houses if you aren't old enough to work somewhere like McDonalds or the local grocery store.

If you can come up with some of the money, then maybe they will see how much it means to you and will pay the rest. Good luck.

it's probably not about them letting you go.. its probably about them being able to afford it... how about you... try and earn some of that money yourself.. babysit, shovel snow, mow lawns, clean some families houses, etc etc...

The previous posters have a valid point: it might not be about whether or not they'll "let" you go, but it might be that they can't afford it in the first place.

I'd suggest you sit down with your parents and talk about this. Try to find out if it's a money problem, or if they have some other objection to your going. If it's money, then see if there's a way that you could perhaps earn some (or all) of the money so that you can go - you didn't mention your age, so I have to be as broad in my answer as possible (sorry!).

Babysitting, mowing lawns and other yardwork activities pay fairly well, as does working part-time for a local business. If you start now, then by the time your dance camp starts in the summer you might have more than enough to afford it.

...but you really should start by talking with your parents.

you could help pay for it

As it was mentioned earlier, sometimes parents truely can't afford to send their child(ren) to a camp because of the finances. I had a similar thing happen to me when I was in highschool. I wanted to attend the local high school band camp at the university (which I would commute to..not stay overnight), but my parents couldn't afford it. At the time, my parents were separated, which dramatically reduced our income. So my mom was doing what she could to make sure my brother and I had what we needed (and a few things we wanted). However, it simply wasn't possible finacially for her to pay for everything we simply wanted, even if she knew we would really enjoy it.

So what I did was I got a scholarship that paid for about 3/4 of the tuition through a local music club. I applied by sending a letter stating that I've been very serious about music, listing some of my musical accomplishments that I had the past year and stating the financial difficulty due to my parents' separaration. I submitted the letter WAY before the start of the band camp..probably sometime that spring actually. That way, their scholarship committee could have some idea that I was serious about wanting to attend to the camp. I'm not sure how we paid for the remaining part of the tuition. I think I might have paid for it through my babysitting money that I had earned. If not, then mom and I split the cost between us.

So, your best bet to look into scholarships that you can apply for. Start with checking into the particular summer program. You may have to do an audition for it, but it may be well worth it. Another option is to check with your local dance school or even your school counselor. They may have contacts for you to check out as well. You might get at least a partial tuition like I did, so that your parents won't have to fork out as much money. You may also be able to strike a deal to pay them back through doing various odd jobs around the house for free.

If you do get some $$$ help through a local organization, I would definitely offer to perform for them a future event as a way to tell them "thank you." You may even want to consider keeping in contact with the organization during the summer camp to let them know how much you are enjoying the camp and what skills you will be brining back to share with your dance class, and skills that are improving upon your own dancing.

Good luck!

I had the same situation one summer where I wanted to attend a dance intensive but because my parents already spends tens of thousands on my dance every year they said that they honestly couldnt afford this one ecspecially since it was just for fun. i was determined and this is how i raised the money. I wrote a letter and sent it to friends and family explaining the situation and how much it meant for me to go and asking them if they could afford to donate money so i would be able to go or if they could at least keep me in my prayers. i also included in the letter that if they knew of anyone or if they were willing to pay me to do jobs or babysit for them that I would be more then willing to. also do chores around the house for you parents for extra cash, try babysitting, etc.