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Position:Home>Dancing> Grade 5 ballet - does that mean I am quite decent?

Question:Hi, just a quick question - I have been put straight in for the grade 5 exam at my ballet school after only being there for a month. They think I am very capable of achieving at least a pass. Does this mean I am good at ballet? I am not very familiar with all the grades etc.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi, just a quick question - I have been put straight in for the grade 5 exam at my ballet school after only being there for a month. They think I am very capable of achieving at least a pass. Does this mean I am good at ballet? I am not very familiar with all the grades etc.

Yea, you are probably very good if you have only been dancing a month. Exams dont get difficult until Grade 6. Plus examiners are very leaniant, they fail very few people. Actually I was sick with pneumonia when I took my Grade 4 so they let me sit out half of the time and I still passed. Just study your terminology, body positions, and the routines. As long as you dont completely screw it up or blank when they as you a question, you will pass. Good luck.

You must be talented.

wat does this mean only a month,,,, only a month of dancing or only a month in the grade,

if it is only a month in the grade then you will do okay, you must be good enough, you will need t work really hard to remember all the moves,it can be easy to forget under pressure.

if you have been daning for a month, i hardly think you will have the experience to take you the way. you may be good at dancing but wont ave the exxperience all the the others have and may not do thata well,

but it is up to your dance teacher, talk to her about your queeries and questions, im sure she will help!

i hope i help! xx emma xx