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Question:Is it still possible for a ballet career? I am 14, 5'7-9", 148 lbs.!
Starting tomorrow i am gonna train for 2 hours! When i am fitter and thinner i will see if i can take classes but for now all i can do is practice some of the basic moves i already now!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is it still possible for a ballet career? I am 14, 5'7-9", 148 lbs.!
Starting tomorrow i am gonna train for 2 hours! When i am fitter and thinner i will see if i can take classes but for now all i can do is practice some of the basic moves i already now!!!!

ANYONE can learn ballet at ANY age and at ANY weight or body type. You shouldn't put off learning ballet because of concerns about your weight. But as much as you can indulge in learning ballet as much as you want, unless you suddenly enrolled in an intensive ballet program RIGHT NOW where you took ballet classes for over 15 hours a week, you don't even have a prayer of having a ballet career.

I'm definitely not saying this to be mean, as my daughter is a senior dance major in college who has been studying ballet since she was 3 (and at an intense pre-professional level since she was 12) and the odds of her getting even one tiny ballet JOB, much less an entire ballet CAREER, are very, very SMALL.

If you're interested in a general dance career, study all forms of dance so that you can become a well-rounded dancer. And start NOW. Don't wait to lose weight. You're actually quite fine for dance styles other than ballet.

anythings possible silly gooseling.

Yeah, it's still possible. Don't give up, you're gonna need a bit of training.
I think ballet careers and dancing careers are hard to get. Exercise, and eat healthy.


its probably pretty hard but im sure its plausible.

if you put your mind to it you can do it.

Just keep practicing, and working hard, and you will be able to do whatever you want!


No. You are too fat for ballet. Put on a few more pounds and go out for the football team.

everything is possible if you put your mind into it.

I think anythings possible if you put you mind to it.

definitley. ur just the right age to start and maybe someday u could ne on broadway!! dont give up!!

The only person stopping this from happening is you.


wow ur pretty tall. i wish i was. yup its possible if you train hard plus your still can do anythings at this ponit try for gymnatics and whatever but only if u dont loose hope and have to enjoy it.'re 14yrs old! You can do/be anything you want to be. for 2 hours?...starting tomorrow?...I don't know if Yahoo Answers is where you need to be asking these kinda questions?
just my opinion.

Yes anything is possible but you have to stick to it and loose lots of wait! you should be around 110 when your finished

I would like to say anything is possible, but honestly, I don't think you could. You're not overweight at all, but you're too tall and they like women much shorter and even skinnier than you. My friend goes to a prestigious ballet school, she's about 5'2" and 100 pounds and they still pressure her to lose weight. Its a very difficult career to get in to, and if you think you can lose the weight, good for you, but I think you would be too tall.

you can start dance lessons a little chubby and can definitely start a career at your age.Never let anyone tell you can't cause believe me if you take crap like that, you'll be disappointed

Most people start real (not beginner) classes at age 6 and are auditioning for summer intensives at national-level school by age 12. To audition, you must be en pointe. Most companies won't be interested in late starters because it's much easier to train someone who has been dancing all of their life because by them technique and movements are second nature. Ballet is incredibly hard, and professional dancers are at the same physical level as Olympic athletes. Without a teacher and proper classes, you can't hope to become very good.

u r NOT FAT!!! i am sure you are kinda skinny for your height. and besides i danced and i lost alot of weight. even if you start out chubby, once you start doing lessons a few times a week it will go off before you can blink. hope i helped