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Position:Home>Dancing> Im going to a dance but i cant dance and im kinda shy?

Question:im going with this girl that i hardly know and the only reason im going with her is cause she wanted a good looking date. i dont want to be boring cause i cant dance

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im going with this girl that i hardly know and the only reason im going with her is cause she wanted a good looking date. i dont want to be boring cause i cant dance

if the only reason she is gonig with you is because you're good looking, then i don't really see a problem with ur "inablity to dance". anywayz.. what i would do is probably.. tell her that you aren't the fred astaire (a great dancer) but you do like to dance. You really wan tto have a good time, and by telling her the truth hoonestly and sincerely she should be able to understand. What i no most people do at school dances of mine i just pretty basically BOUNCE! like jumping... i mean if the song is fast, and you just wanna have a good time, jumping is a great way to "dance" because you don't have to be great to do it! you could if you want even add some arm movements, or something liek that, but nothing fancy! possibley take some dance lessons if you really want to imporve. Aswell if it's a slow song that you guys are dancing to, keep in mind how low your hands are. Not every girl likes her but being felt during a slow dance! anywayz, bouncing should be good, and when you done with your dance, just simply ask her if she wouldn't mind if you walked her home, it's a simple gesture, adn it makes a girl feel secure, even if your dancing abilities arent the greatest!

Get a good buzz in the car before you go into the dance. Or get a flask.