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Position:Home>Dancing> Can you start dancing at 15?

Question:I want to start dancing.
I'm interested in ballet, but I'm scared about my age.

My measurements are
Waist - 24 inches
Hips - 30 inches
Bust - 31

and I'm 5'3.
If that counts for anything.

What do I do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I want to start dancing.
I'm interested in ballet, but I'm scared about my age.

My measurements are
Waist - 24 inches
Hips - 30 inches
Bust - 31

and I'm 5'3.
If that counts for anything.

What do I do?

It's never too late to start dancing.
15 is still so young darling.
Just don't worry about comparing yourself to girls who've been doing it all of their lives.
Go at your own pace, be safe (treat your body well), be confident and have fun.
I did ballet as a little girl and wish I never stopped. I have a lot of respect for you doing this.
Good luck, and knock em' dead! I'm sure you'll be great.

Yes, you can.

Yea, I did.
I am a sophmore male in high school, and me and my friend thats a gir l both started last year, at the age of 15. You will be placed in classes with younger kids to start out, but you will pick things up better because you are older, and will soon be moved to a new class with kids not too much younger.

Hey there! If this is something you want to do than do it! I'm 18 5'5 and I started last year!
Its cool if your dance instructor does private lessons because then you can refresh some skills- or in your case learn them :)
I'm doing tap/jazz and already did ballet, so it might be a bit slower for you to pick up than it was for me. If that doesn't work just go when classes start up fresh and see whats going down and if you think its something you can catch up on.
P.S unless your aims are pro. your build doesn't really matter

Yeah, sure you can.
If that is what you want.
You will have to start from the basics!
but try will love it I do.!

age has nothing to do with it. i don't care if you are 15 or 95. if you want to learn ballet, then learn. can your parents enroll you in lessons? do you have a friend who dances ballet? if not, teach yourself the basics online. just have fun and laugh at yourself. maybe you will acquire a grace and beauty that you never knew you had!


of course you can.. age doesn't matter.. as long as you/'re finding a way to make yourself happy and fulfilled.. i really love dancing.. i can express myself more.. hope you also do..
Good luck!

of coarse, you might not be good at first(no offense) but when your around 12-17 years old, it's the bst time to learn those kind of things, so you'll get really good really fast! goo-luck*-*

Of course you can! My ballet instructor started ballet at 16 and got into National Ballet of Canada and was a principal! I think you should go for it! Who knows where you will end up!

Age doesn't matter, Sabra the winner of So You Think You Can Dance started when she was 16 and was still amazing.

of course!