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Position:Home>Dancing> Turnout help!!!?

Question:ok so lately i have been told in ballet class that i need to work on my turn out. does anyoe know any stretches to help this? will anything help something i dont naturally have?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ok so lately i have been told in ballet class that i need to work on my turn out. does anyoe know any stretches to help this? will anything help something i dont naturally have?

You can work on your middle splits to help with turnout as well as the 'butterfly' stretch. Where turnout actually comes from, however, is the hips. Most of turnout is learning how to use your inner thighs, butt, and rotator muscles to turn out from your hips. If you turn out only from your knees down, you'll mess up your knees. Turnout may take you a while to find, but once you learn how to use your muscles to do it, it becomes second-nature.

finger urself and get urslef loose u can stretch farther =]

go with the yoga grasshopper

hmmm i dont know any stretches that you can do but when your just standing around normally try to turn your feet out . like all the time!

if you do this enough your feet will become naturally turned out . :]

oh and dont listen to nate
hes a weirdo :)

hope tht helps

Your middle splits, your frog, and the butterfly will def. help your turn out. but I will just say now these stretches are really uncomfortable and painful. Also you should probably work on the strength of your inner thighs so you can support your newly found turn out.