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Position:Home>Dancing> What dance genre should I pursue?

Question:I'm already in ballet and want to continue it but switch schools. The one I want to start at next this fall offers several genres besides ballet (their main focus). If I were to pick up another genre which would be best to help me with my ballet tecnique (sp?): Jazz, modern or tap?
Please only answer if you know what you're talking about ;) Thanx!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm already in ballet and want to continue it but switch schools. The one I want to start at next this fall offers several genres besides ballet (their main focus). If I were to pick up another genre which would be best to help me with my ballet tecnique (sp?): Jazz, modern or tap?
Please only answer if you know what you're talking about ;) Thanx!

Well, it depends:
~Jazz will help with ballet because it envolves many similar moves. I would go with jazz if I were you because it is fun, lets you add some of your own style, but also still requires control, flexibility, and strengthens technique
~Modern: good for loosening up and being more free. Will probably help with flexibility and control, but many of the styles contradict technique and styles of ballet. For something more similar to ballet, try lyrical. It is a combination of jazz, ballet, and some modern moves. It will also help you flow better and build flexibility and control, but the style is more similar to ballet.
~Tap: good for rhythm, timing, and endurance, but again probably not very helpful with ballet. I love tap but I think if you are looking for something to help you with ballet it isn't the best choice.

I would go with jazz if I were you. I hope I helped! Good luck and have fun ( :

lyrical-very classical
or upbeatt
if u like to tap try it:]

You should do tap, because its easy and I'm in Tap, Jazz, and Ballet. I Love to dance and I do it every week its the easiest on of all!

just do what YOU want to do. ballet helps you in every dance genre, so go and do what you think you'd like! lyrical is a lot like ballet and jazz, so if you want to stick close to ballet, that'd be good. hip hop is really up beat and funky, and if you like geto dance, that would be a good choice. and tap, well, is tap.

Hi im in a ballet school nd i also do Jazz its realy good coz we do lots of strengthing exersizes and stuff so it helps with posture and my pointe work. Also we sometimes incorporate balletish type moves into our routines.

ps.i also teach a hip hopy type dance class at my college to other students but thats just more for fun but i suppose it all counts.

Ballet is the root of all great technique.. by picking up another style of dance, you will find that ballet helps you in it, not that it is making any great change in your ballet technique. Jazz differs from ballet in many ways, but it may help with your flexibility and control that you use in ballet. Modern, well, it depends on which technique they study with the classes you would be taking. Modern can also help with that same control, and it will help to strengthen and focus your body and mind. In my experience, unless you have a strong tap background to go along with that ballet background, tap may be a struggle. I see dancers time and time again who have focused on their ballet because they know it's the foundation of a good dancer just break down over the fact that they have been taking tap for years and cannot improve at it. They decide to be sooo focused on their ballet that it starts to mess with their tap abilities. If you are looking at being well rounded, take tap. If you have been focused on ballet and it is your definate strong point and you are looking for some other style to help your ballet, choose one of the other two genres.

Jazz is probably best after ballet.
Modern is probably more hip-hop.
Tap is OK if you are into the whole Jimmy Slyde thing.

probably jazz because you do somewhat of the same moves that you do in ballet but there are different steps to it, and tap would help you with your rythym

i would go with jazz or modern. i know whenever i go to summer intensives the ballet ones always have modern classes paired with them. But jazz has alot of similar technique as ballet. It really depends on what style you enjoy the most. i really like both styles