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Position:Home>Dancing> Splits--left/right foot front, straddle?

Question:I was wondering how long it took you guys to achieve each of those and how you did it. Also, how did you maintain your flexibility so you didn't lose your splits/straddle? Thanks =)

**I know to go slowly and not hurt myself. I can do a left foot front split but I keep losing like 3in of it..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was wondering how long it took you guys to achieve each of those and how you did it. Also, how did you maintain your flexibility so you didn't lose your splits/straddle? Thanks =)

**I know to go slowly and not hurt myself. I can do a left foot front split but I keep losing like 3in of it..

It just takes time and stretching, and if you stop stretching you will lose the splits. I recommend stretching everyday not only to build flexibility but to maintain it. Even if you just stop dancing for 2-4 weeks, it can take you up to 6 weeks to regain flexibility, balance, and stamina. Don't give up! You will get them soon. Just stretch about 5-15 minutes every day and only do your splits when you are fully stretched (after stretching, in the middle of dance, after dance class). If you like to go for runs, make sure you stretch well after because running can tighten your leg muscles. I hope I helped! Good luck ( :

PS I think I was born flexibile because I could do the splits when I first started gymnastics in kindergarden. I still have to work to keep them though and to improve my overall flexibility.

it took me about six months to get my left and right foot. just stretch it EVERY day. when your watching tv, listening to music, anything else in your house, be stretching it. if you stretch it very often, you should have it down in around six months. middle splits is the same. it went a little bit quicker if you are more flexible to begin with but just stretch CONSTANTLY.

just keep practicing and stay in shape like when ur just chillin watchin tv go into a split it took me 21 years to get a perfect split and straddle so just give it time and work on all the time hope i helped