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Position:Home>Dancing> Please answer this question about dancing and friends Best answer gets like, 10

Question:Okay, there's this girl, *Marisa* at my ballet. She used to be so nice to me and in the same level. We're in a ballet company, BTW. Then, the teachers thought she was too old to be in my level so she got moved up and now she's really snobby and thinks she's better than me! She only gets 1 or less corrections a week! Not to brag, but I get like, 15 in a week. Well today my dance teacher (who happens to not like Marisa) gave me like 10 corrections and said I was doing the best arabesque and placement. Then I saw Marisa give me this mean look. My dance teacher even saw Marisa do it and ignored her! Why does Marisa hate me? BEST ANSWER GETS 10 POINTS! Please answer. Thank you lots!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay, there's this girl, *Marisa* at my ballet. She used to be so nice to me and in the same level. We're in a ballet company, BTW. Then, the teachers thought she was too old to be in my level so she got moved up and now she's really snobby and thinks she's better than me! She only gets 1 or less corrections a week! Not to brag, but I get like, 15 in a week. Well today my dance teacher (who happens to not like Marisa) gave me like 10 corrections and said I was doing the best arabesque and placement. Then I saw Marisa give me this mean look. My dance teacher even saw Marisa do it and ignored her! Why does Marisa hate me? BEST ANSWER GETS 10 POINTS! Please answer. Thank you lots!

The dance world is very competitive, and Marisa is obviously jealous of the attention you're getting. You'll have to get used to the fact that everybody in that room is competing for attention and, ultimately, a place in the professional company. You'll probably lose friends because of this. If dance is what you love, pursue it no matter what!

she's obviously jealous of you! now she's even higher that you, and you're still better than her.. she wants to compete with you, but ignore her! just keep dancing, and don't worry about her. that will keep you 2 steps ahead of her the whole time she thinks bad about you behind your back.

I hate to say it, but it should be obvious, she's very jealous. Your teacher noticed I'm sure, but can't disrupt class for it. She may have talked to her outside of class. Remember, only use your energy to worry about where you are at in your technique. Don't compare or notice anyone. You can strive to be like someone you admire, but leave it at that. Use your energy on practice. It's the only way to make it.
"There is no such thing as talent, only work"
-Galina Ulanova

just ignore her. when she sees it doesn't bother you, she'll get bored and stop. just focus on being the best dancer you can be =)

she's obviously jealous but dont fight just start a talent battle and try to stomp the yard

Why are you counting corrections? Its to improve thats why your all there, if you didnt need improved than you wouldnt need dance call/lessons. Just do your thing dont view it as a competition your there to have fun, you dont want to look back at your ballet years and think of Marisa you want to think of how much fun it was and what you learned. If she says anything snobby say " look im not here to compeat, and the only reason you moved up is because your age, if it makes you feel better to think your better go ahead, but my dancing expirence has nothing to do with you".

Just have fun and learn!

I dont care about the points and you shouldnt care about marrissa! instead of paying that girl attention you should be concentrating on what you are doing!

it just so she is jealous try be a little tougher to himso she will she will learn her lesson