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Question:When I take dance classes, I want to know what my instrustor is talking about. Does anyone know any websites to learn the vocabulary from, or should I just go along with it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When I take dance classes, I want to know what my instrustor is talking about. Does anyone know any websites to learn the vocabulary from, or should I just go along with it?

i don't know what kind of dance your taking but ABT has a great ballet dictionary on its website, it even has videos to go with the definitions so you can see what theyre talking about.

yea don't go along with it or you'll never learn the vocab and make it so much harder for yourself in the long run.

just go along with it and pretend like you knoww

or search it on google or dog pile


hope this helps

Never ever "just go along with it." Worst possible thing you can do, because the teacher's know whether you know what your doing or not and they will reprimand you, especially if you go to a strict studio. If you don't know a step, JUST ASK. The teachers won't bite off your head if you don't know somethings...that's why you're in a dance CLASS....emphasis on "class" because you learn in a "class," and that's what your paying learn how to dance.

You won't be able to just read a website and instantly know what to do. I guarentee you if you read how to do a grand jete and were told to do one, you'd be too dumbfounded to do anything. So if the teacher mentions something that you don't understand, raise you're hand and ask. If she doesn't want you to hold back the class, ask to see her after class or come to class early to learn them.