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Position:Home>Dancing> Can putting super glue on a cracked toenail temporarily repair it for a pointe c

Question:I recently asked a question about a cracked toenail for pointe class, and someone said to put super glue on it. Does this really work?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I recently asked a question about a cracked toenail for pointe class, and someone said to put super glue on it. Does this really work?

Although super glue will temporarily fix a toenail, it will most likely take it longer to heal, and so it really is only a temporary solution.

If the toenail is only cracked, but iodine, or another disinfectant on it, put a band-aid on, and tape over the band-aid. (Be sure not to cut off the circulation when you tape)

The problem with super glue, is that it is dangerous and messy. A cracked toenail can easily become infected as is, or tear, leaving raw, sensitive skin. Super glue can only aggravate these problems and risks. With any toenail ailment, the best treatments, both temporary or longterm are to be safe and healthy. Always keep toenails clipped fairly short, and straight across, this will help prevent cracks, breaks, or ingrown toenails. Also, if anything happens (like a cracked toenail, for example) do not touch it! Simply disinfect each day with an antibiotic ointment, and disinfect with iodine when the injury first occurs.

So, all in all, I would not use super glue; the risks are too high, especially to risk just for a class. If you want the toenail to heal quickly, treat it like you would any scrape or cut, you wouldn't put superglue on those, would you?

I've had partners wo've used this method in a pinch.Try it.

just dont put it on ur skin!!!! it will melt it and make a weird smell, and it will be really smooth like there will be no wrinkls or whatever lol

i dont think thats a very good idea because if the glue gets into ur bloodstream, then u get glue poisioning and hospitalized. but if the toenail isnt cracked to the quick, then u should b ok.

I don't think so - just use a band aide - the glue could cause an infection. It's going to hurt like He** either way.

Good luck