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Position:Home>Dancing> At what grade in Ballet do you get point shoes?

Question:I am in Grade 5 at the moment and I follow The Royal Academy of Dance sylabus

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am in Grade 5 at the moment and I follow The Royal Academy of Dance sylabus

We werent allowed on points till we turned 14 as we had to wait till our feet were formed enough....
the grade wasnt important as we still learnt how to use points.
And I hope you mean blocks???
well thats what we called them...

I was given my points when i passed my level 3 and went onto level 4 :D

I have been in ballet since I was 5. I think you should have already got them........... I am not compleatly sure.

At my studio you have to be in intermediate III, which is the equivalent to 13 or 14....but many places will go as low as age are prob a bit too young...sry!

btw: it's pointe*

when your feet are all done growing and your muscles are strong enough, your teacher knows best, if your not on pointe yet, that means you arent quite ready

i started points in grade four, i also follow the royal academy of dance sylobus too! its very good, but yes it does depend on what and how developed your feet are! be careful i bought shoes and they broke after about a month,,,,,,, my toes bled and bled! owww !

In my school, its in grade 5 usually, but that's only when the teacher tells you you're ready for them. You don't need them for exams until Intermediate Foundation or Grade 7.

I do RAD as well. And I went on pointe when I was in Grade 4 :)

It is an age thing rather than a grade thing - 14 years plus is about right - any younger can cause bone deformities. It is true however, that some grade work calls for pointe work, but people have normally reached the age before the reach the grades concerned.

i used to work in a dance shop in Poole and i used to do fittings on pointe shoes, mainly you have to be the age of 13 or above, but mainly it depends on whether your dance teacher thinks that you are ready, if you are rushed into something like this it could damage your feet speak to your teacher and see what she says if u have never tried a pair on before be warned they are not made for comfort lol but they are amazing to watch some1 dance in and fitting the shoes can take up to over an hour. good luck xxxxx

In RAD you don't go onto pointe until you are sitting majors exams i.e intermediate or inter. foundation.
ot everyone does these but I started pointe when I was about 11

During the grades, you do not do pointes, although at grade 5, you're already quite proficient in ballet to be able to have them soon.
You will only 'officially' have to do some exercises on pointes in your exams at Intermediate Foundation or Intermediate if you don't do the foundation level.
Really, although you will do some at Inter. Foundation level, it's not really WHAT level you're IN, but what level you're AT! So, it's very much a personal thing (some people in your class may JUST be grade 4 and a bit level, while others could have been in grade 5 for a while... thus making them probably more ready to do pointes).

What's important to remember is that everything you do at the barre and in the centre in your ballet shoes will help you to strengthen your legs and body to do pointes. So, it's not a waste of time to work without them!! on the contrary! ;-)

Be patient, and maybe ask your teacher when realistically, she would see you be ready for that. Maybe she'll say 'oooh, not until at least a year', or maybe she'll say 'hey, I can see that you're almost there'... If you don't ask, you'll never know!

In ISTD Ballet I believe the first grade that has pointe work in the exam is grade 6 or pre-intermediate. However many dance teachers don't allow anyone to go on pointe until your feet have stopped growing, and you have enough strength in both your feet and ankles, and core muscles to deal with the strength that pointe work rquires.