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Position:Home>Dancing> What is the difference between hip hop and popping?

Question:i heard that hip hop and popping are the same, yet i also hear that they are different. when i watch hip hop videos and popping videos, i can tell they are very alike; yet i see a difference, i just can't put my finger on it. help me out?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i heard that hip hop and popping are the same, yet i also hear that they are different. when i watch hip hop videos and popping videos, i can tell they are very alike; yet i see a difference, i just can't put my finger on it. help me out?

im a pro at poppin so u should listen very closley
poppin is mostly going with the beatand sumtimes the lyrics of the song. in poppin u let ur muscles loose and then stiff then loose. u intend to pop ur joints.

hiphop is hard and strong. u try ur best to be stiff and hard, so it seems like ur really good. hip hop is mostly combined locking. popping. and krumping in one move. u try to go with the lyrics instead of the beat. u intend to show disrespect by showing better moves
watch this video

Popping is to the beat of the song. Notice when someone pops they pop when the music makes a "clap".

In hip hop you just dance to the song. If its a slow song, you just move slow and at a steadily speed. If its fast you move fast and use more moves.

They are very similiar but thats the difference that i get out of it.

popping is were u sorta jerk your muscles the entire time and also might include some robot like moving. hip hop is a mixture of "soft" (flowing, like regular dancing) and "hard" (jerky motions and with a lot attitude) it can be done any way depending on the music.
hope this helps!

For starters Popping is hip-hop. Popping is part of break dance. The style called Pop and lock is when you pop your body in a very stiff staccotto motion, and then you lock in a position as if you actually got stuck. This is all hip-hop. But if you are referring to the stuff you see on MTV, then yes it looks different because that is just street jazz. HIp-hop has lost it's flavour in my opinion.

Hip hop is a culture, not a dance.

types of hip hop dances includes:


Popping, which is different from Locking. Popping is like doing the robot and includes gliding. Locking is like a spastic version of the funky chicken. In this video, the guys in the black shirts are locking, and the guys in the white vests are popping.

Krumping, this is pretty new school. It's not clearly defined.

Then you have dances that blend into other genres like House. Or Step (Step as in "Stomp the Yard", not "River Dance"). And there are others.

But to answer the question, "hip hop" is just a word people say on TV, just like how "breakdancing" isn't actually the name of the dance.

Oh, and one more thing. If you're watch music videos, a lot of the choreographers have ballet and jazz backgrounds, just so you know.