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Position:Home>Dancing> Any teenage dancers. help with weightloss? everyone read!?

Question:Dancers? help!!! weight loss? or just anyone
what do you dancers eat to be so skiny?
and what are some excersises to get a "dancers" body without becoming a dancer on like a starliner team or smthng

i am 5'5" what would a dancer weigh that is 5'5"?
is 125 lbs. bad?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Dancers? help!!! weight loss? or just anyone
what do you dancers eat to be so skiny?
and what are some excersises to get a "dancers" body without becoming a dancer on like a starliner team or smthng

i am 5'5" what would a dancer weigh that is 5'5"?
is 125 lbs. bad?

You have a good weight..! Thats just about right... Dancers are just skinny because they spend of their time in the dance studio burning off calories. I have been dancing for 11 year and im almost 15 and i weight about the same as you and i LOVE to eat! But i dance like 7-8 hours a week so it doesnt add up... You shouldt worry about loosing weight... 125 is totally normal for a 5'5...

125 is on the lighter end. You're fine as you are. As a dancer, I promise. You're fine. Not all dancers are going to have the dancer's body, even if they're amazing. It doesn't always happen.

All dancers bodies are different. I've been dancing since I was five (now 24). I'm 5'6" and 115lbs, but I have students who are the same height and 130lbs. It all depends on your body type. It's not easy to just turn your body into the type that a dancer has. We dance at least 8 hours a week. Our bodies have developed over the years. Pilates however, does give your body similar results. Try buying the Windsor Pilates dvd's and you'll notice your muscles will become more elongated, like that of a dancer rather than bulky like those of someone who runs a lot.

im 5'4'' and i weigh 98...and how i stay like that is dance..when i dont dance for a while i feel the weight coming back on. Excersise and a healthy diet are the way to go (no starving yourself! that only makes you gain more weight when you start eating again) good luck and stay healthy!