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Position:Home>Dancing> I am 18, i am an amateur dancer, if i start classes now, will i ever be really g

Question:If you work on it, some people start very late and are very devoted to it so they work hard and they become professionals, i for one, started late and loving dance and im pretty good myself

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you work on it, some people start very late and are very devoted to it so they work hard and they become professionals, i for one, started late and loving dance and im pretty good myself

Of course!!! Practice makes perfect... all u need is to practice, and practice. U will be great. Hope it goes well but im pretty sure it will.

18 is a little late but im sure if your extremely devoted you can make it happen. take classes at least 5 days a week.

hey you will get really good if you practice when you get home and practice in your class then you will get real good i am in drill team and i thought it would be hard because i thought i wouldn't get none of the dances down and my teacher tells me that i am doing way better then most of the people in there with me i got that way because i practice my butt off to get where i am and i am glad so i am in drill team now in high school and i get nervous when i am about to go on and perform and when i see that crowd i am so happy that i am ready to go because i know there is little kids looking up to me and when i start to dance i don't want to stop because it is a great feeling so you should take my story and it will help you if you practice and practice

What kind of dancing? If ballet no...other diciplines may be OK, but you've got a LOT of work ahead and you'd better have a TON of talent.