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Position:Home>Dancing> Is this instructor's behavior normal or is he testing the waters?

Question:My dance instructor (Arthur Murray I should mention, because they are like used cars salesmen sometimes) has asked me twice if my husband minds that I'm there alone, and today he asked me if my husband would ever come dance, how long I've been married, and how long have I known my husband. He even proceeded to say/ask something like "so you guys are going to be happy forever and ever"...Now, some times he'll make small talk while dancing because I know he's trying to teach me how to not think so much about the steps, but some of these questions have been asked while sitting down and just looking over my folder. Is this normal? Also, my next lesson was scheduled with a different instructor for next week, which meant that I wouldn't see this instructor (Mr. 20 questions) for another 2 he asks me if I'd like to come in at the end of this week to work on stuff. Is there a sales tactic here? Does any one know how these Arthur Murray people work?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My dance instructor (Arthur Murray I should mention, because they are like used cars salesmen sometimes) has asked me twice if my husband minds that I'm there alone, and today he asked me if my husband would ever come dance, how long I've been married, and how long have I known my husband. He even proceeded to say/ask something like "so you guys are going to be happy forever and ever"...Now, some times he'll make small talk while dancing because I know he's trying to teach me how to not think so much about the steps, but some of these questions have been asked while sitting down and just looking over my folder. Is this normal? Also, my next lesson was scheduled with a different instructor for next week, which meant that I wouldn't see this instructor (Mr. 20 questions) for another 2 he asks me if I'd like to come in at the end of this week to work on stuff. Is there a sales tactic here? Does any one know how these Arthur Murray people work?

If this is a "sales pitch," it's sleazy. If he makes you feel uncomfortable, & it sounds like he definitely does, then you know the answer. Ask some of the other lady customers if they've had the same 20 questions.

I agree

you should just reply BLUNTLY

What has this gotta do with my dancing?
And say you prefer to keep your personal details personal
And that here is for DANCING (thats what you pay for)
You dont pay him to pychoanalise you so tell him.

If he is a bit hurt after the comment and continues to be a little boy. go find another teacher. But until them don't cut out until you deal with it and give him a chance to redeem his professional behaviour.

It may just be that your so darn fine that he just can't help himself. In that case just give him his forgiveness and dont provoke or flirt with him.

You pay them to teach you how to dance, so if you are not happy, ask for another instructor or make quite sure he knows you don't want him to treat you like that - you want to learn how to dance and that's is all

Find another instructor. It's not your dancing education he's working on.

Tell this dance instructor to f*** off and get a new dance instructor