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Question:I want to try pointe. For Ballet-Tech (Pre-pointe) the next session starts september 2008. (A LONG TIME) I even a few of the dance teachers spent years in Ballet-tech. You take a test to get your pointe shoes. I want to get my pointe shoes fast... I need to know a few streches that I can do to improve pointe. ALL STRECHES ARE HELPFUL! I've been dancing for 7yrs. I would also like to know how to improve my combre + peer-o-wets (I can't spell at all...) spins if you can't undestand my spelling. If you need more detail ask. I want to get my ponte shoes in the first year.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I want to try pointe. For Ballet-Tech (Pre-pointe) the next session starts september 2008. (A LONG TIME) I even a few of the dance teachers spent years in Ballet-tech. You take a test to get your pointe shoes. I want to get my pointe shoes fast... I need to know a few streches that I can do to improve pointe. ALL STRECHES ARE HELPFUL! I've been dancing for 7yrs. I would also like to know how to improve my combre + peer-o-wets (I can't spell at all...) spins if you can't undestand my spelling. If you need more detail ask. I want to get my ponte shoes in the first year.

well, first of all, a stretch that improves your feet is having someone stretch them for you. they pull your foot toward them, kind of shaking it just a little (to lengthen your achilles tendon) then put your heel back on the floor and push down on your arch and toes (mostly arch). hold for about 10 seconds (or longer ifyou want) and flex your foot. have the person push slightly against the ball of your foot, while you point it (the strenthening part). they repeat the beginning again, but this time you keep your foot pointed and they let go instead of flexing.
do a lot of releves, it strengthens your feet.
once you get your pointe shoes, roll up and down very slowly, keeping your heel as high as you can until it gets to floor (then make sure it gets all the way to the floor).

for pirouettes, make sure you spot. also make sure you keep your arms and back held. make sure you're not lifting one hip or leaning to one side. be on as high a demi pointe as you can be. right before you go, plie just a little more. make sure your not sitting in your plie. one good thing to do to check your alignment is to face the mirror and prep like your going to do a pirouette but dont turn. then you can see if your hip is up, if your leaning, if your arms are too low, too high, etc.
i cant really tell you anything specific cuz i cant see you...

Stretching is good for flexibility and will help you look like a better dancer but doesn't usually help for going on pointe.

When I started ballet I was ten years old and had experience before that as well, so my body was stronger than it would have been if I didn't have experience. When I started I had the goal of going on pointe and I thought I would never go on pointe, I just worked my hardest, took as many classes as possible, never missed any classes and was put on point at age 11. I have now been on pointe for 5 years and love it. I couldn't believe that my goal came true!!

If you are curious when you will go on pointe, you should talk to your ballet teacher and see what you could do to strengthen the needed muscles you need for pointe. You shouldn't rush things, if you go on pointe too soon you can really hurt yourself.

A few stretches you could do are, sit on your butt with your legs out in front, get someone to push your pointed feet down to the ground without sickeling. Also you should stretch your calves and do a lot of sit ups to stregthen your core. That is the key to any ballet moves.

Good Luck, and don't worry you will be on pointe, I thought I would never be, and I have been for 5 years.