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Position:Home>Dancing> How do I get better at ballet??????? Please answer I will luv u forever dude?

Question:I'm really flexible, have great technique high arch, and perfect turnout, but I have a problem with facial expressions! How do I remind myself of doing them without my ballet teacher yelling at me? Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm really flexible, have great technique high arch, and perfect turnout, but I have a problem with facial expressions! How do I remind myself of doing them without my ballet teacher yelling at me? Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A great resource is "Classical Ballet Technique" by Gretchen Ward Warren.

"A well-placed gaze gives the dancer a look of self-confidence and authority, and can lend important emotional connotations to a movement. Dancers may look toward teh direction in which they are traveling, or at the audience, or at another performer with whom they are dancing, but the eyes must be alive and focused at all times, as well as dramatically communicative. Blank, unseeing stares are unsettling to the audience, and a dancer with downcast or shifty eyes communicates a feeling of insecurity. A strong focus also helps the dancer maintain balance, especially when 'spotting' in turns" (Warren 24).

Just think of yourself in front of an audience and your facial muscles will lift and you will adapt the vital classroom expression. However, avoid expressions of suffering, a glued-on smile, eyebrows too lifted, intense concentration, boredom, etc.

Hope I helped,
Good Luck,
Elaina ?

Look IN aThe mirror, have a magazine in hand and practice thee poses

stay calm make ballet second hand, practice them so much that you can focus on you facial expressions

Honey you don't need to make facial expressions for ballet. It should come naturally from your heart if you really love it, but you can practice in the mirror. It is especially hard to focus on your expressions when doing pirouettes so practice that. :)

The best and easiest expression to do is smiling ;D It takes time to be constantly aware of your facial expressions but once you know the routine inside and out then you can focus purely on your face.

Hope this helps :) Good Luck!

just relax

look at ur self while ur dancing. try to relax ur face. smile when u can, and just have fun with it! hope i helped! oh, and when ur looking in the mirror, if it looks funny to u, try to fix it.