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Position:Home>Dancing> Does anyone know who sang 'THE BUS STOP'?

Question:This song came out many years ago, maybe in the 1970's. It was when discos started around the time John Travolta starred in 'Saturday Night Fever". The bus stop is also a dance style similar to what John Travolta's movie started that kind of dancing. It gets alot of people to join in and do the dance. Michael Jackson did also dances in this style. Does anyone remember this era? What did you think of this type of dancing? Do you think it is popular? Or do you wish it came back as it did encourage lots of people to mix and have a really great time and overcome shyness to get up and boogie- woogie? I am very interested in your opinions!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This song came out many years ago, maybe in the 1970's. It was when discos started around the time John Travolta starred in 'Saturday Night Fever". The bus stop is also a dance style similar to what John Travolta's movie started that kind of dancing. It gets alot of people to join in and do the dance. Michael Jackson did also dances in this style. Does anyone remember this era? What did you think of this type of dancing? Do you think it is popular? Or do you wish it came back as it did encourage lots of people to mix and have a really great time and overcome shyness to get up and boogie- woogie? I am very interested in your opinions!!

The hollies sang it, but it was also sang by other singers. Good song init.

The Hollies?