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Position:Home>Dancing> Ballet dancers that have had a stress fracture . . .?

Question:My daughter is an advanced ballet dancer and has been diagnosed with a stress fracture in her foot. Of course the doctor says no dancing for 6 weeks then they'll recheck it. As an advanced dancer, you all know you can't just stop for 6 full weeks without doing any barre or anything. Her ballet school is in the middle of choreography for the Spring performance so she is hoping to at least go and do some work in class so she doesn't lose all of her technique.

Please share your experiences with me:
Did you do limited class during your recovery?
Which parts of class did you do and which parts did you skip?
How long before you were 100% recovered?

Thank you for serious answers only.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My daughter is an advanced ballet dancer and has been diagnosed with a stress fracture in her foot. Of course the doctor says no dancing for 6 weeks then they'll recheck it. As an advanced dancer, you all know you can't just stop for 6 full weeks without doing any barre or anything. Her ballet school is in the middle of choreography for the Spring performance so she is hoping to at least go and do some work in class so she doesn't lose all of her technique.

Please share your experiences with me:
Did you do limited class during your recovery?
Which parts of class did you do and which parts did you skip?
How long before you were 100% recovered?

Thank you for serious answers only.

i had a stress fracture in my ankle and heel spurs at the same time. i was in a similar situation, and participated in barre and the cool down only so i wouldn't lose my flexibility. i also spent a lot of time with a physical therepist who specialized in dance injury recovery, so she helped me keep my strength and understood that technique can disappear if not used. i spent about 8 weeks in my regime of doing barre and cool down 4 times a week and spent 3 hours a week with my p.t., and then i was able to participate in the recital performance. make sure to keep the teacher informed and that the teacher knows she wants to participate. she may also, depending on the amount of pain she is in, be able to mark the dances with her classes, and then she can block the spacing so everyone doesn't have to re-space when she is healthy again. make sure she listens to her body, and does as much as she physically can without doing further damage. GOOD LUCK!!

Okay... I had a stress fracture, and honestly, I didn't treat my foot very well. I went to class as much as I normally did, did all of the work (though doing anything in releve made me want to cry) and it took two or three months to heal. I would have her talk to her teachers and they'll tell her what parts she should skip.

Though, just warning, she may not listen.

6 weeks is optimistic - if she keeps using the foot this time could easily double. The solution is as you have stated in your post to try to do as much in class as pain allows. No releves.... at all.
The alternative is to keep dancing through the pain and wait to heal up until after the Spring show. Sooner or later your daughter has gotta take the time off. Keep taking Aleve or some sort of an analgesic like that with anti-inflammatory properties - even aspirin.

when i severly sprained my ankle we were also in the middle of choreography so i went to every class and watched (trying to memerize) i constantly worked on my posture and i would do the arms and i would sit on a chair while doing this and do the moves with my good leg while sitting so the motions would stick and so that my good leg could still get a workout..seriosly tel her to rest her foot ive had quite a few injuries and u wont loose your technique it can make it alot worse if u actually do stuff when your injured its best to just let her foot rest so it can have a faster the long run resting her foot will do alot more good then trying to keep dancing..if she trys to keep dancing she could further her injury and be off alot longer (trust me on that i've been there and it sucks)