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Position:Home>Dancing> There is this extremely rude girl in my dance class. How should I deal with her?

Question:I am a sophomore, and I am currently teaching a dance routine to a group of girls in my class for the annual dance show. There is one girl who will not pay any attention to me or the other 2 girls teaching with me, and she is constantly mouthing off to me. Just today she told me, "I'm not going to do it full out just for you. I can do it, but I'm not going to show you." Last class, she was very rude to me and kept asking questions, like, Why didn't we get to choose? Can I change this part? This is stupid. And the thing is, we showed the dance beforhand, and then she tried out for it. If she didn't want to do anything, then why try out? Please help me on this before I go postal and rip her hair out.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am a sophomore, and I am currently teaching a dance routine to a group of girls in my class for the annual dance show. There is one girl who will not pay any attention to me or the other 2 girls teaching with me, and she is constantly mouthing off to me. Just today she told me, "I'm not going to do it full out just for you. I can do it, but I'm not going to show you." Last class, she was very rude to me and kept asking questions, like, Why didn't we get to choose? Can I change this part? This is stupid. And the thing is, we showed the dance beforhand, and then she tried out for it. If she didn't want to do anything, then why try out? Please help me on this before I go postal and rip her hair out.

Just have a comeback that's not snarky.
When she says "Can I change this part"
just say "No. I'm the one teaching this".

Be firm.
Tell the teacher.
When she's not paying attention,
tell her that if she's not going to put
forth effort, she can leave.

She's just jealous. Remind her that hse doesn't have to be in it and that she is welcome to leave at any time! ?

Remind her that she doesn't have to be in the dance and if she doesn't start behaving, she won't be.

Make sure you establish the fact that you are the teacher. Remind her that she tried out and it's something she doesn't have to do. Whatever you do, DO NOT stoop to her level. Keep your classiness no matter how she makes you feel.