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Position:Home>Dancing> Help!!!! Purty Please!!?

Question:Here it is...i have a school dance xomming up. I've never been to one my friends say its fun and everything. But, everyones dancing. Im verry shy and never dance or anything. Basically, I dont dance. I go to socialize but i heard guys always try to dance with girls and i dont wanna sound like a moron. What should i do?!?!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Here it is...i have a school dance xomming up. I've never been to one my friends say its fun and everything. But, everyones dancing. Im verry shy and never dance or anything. Basically, I dont dance. I go to socialize but i heard guys always try to dance with girls and i dont wanna sound like a moron. What should i do?!?!

well, if i were you i'd simply look forward to having a good time with your friends, and socialising :) personally i almost never dance unless i've had a bit to drink, but as this is a school dance, that's probbbably not possible :p
you don't have to dance if you really don't want to, just politely turn them down and be flattered that they asked you to. however, why not give it a try? dancing can be fun, and as long as you act confident you can't really go wrong. if you're nervous, try watching other girls first and copying some of their moves? if that's really too much for you, see if you can persuade a girlfriend to stick with you so you won't feel too moronic or alone :)
all in all, don't worry, remember these kind of events are meant to be fun, no-one can make you do anything you don't want to, and no-one's gonna think any less of you if you don't dance :) and, if the worst comes to the worst, remember you can always leave! hope this helps, and have loads of fun xxx

Well I have gone to dances a couple of times. The thing is that you dont have to really dance. I just go with my friends and kind of chill out and get a snack and some pop. It's very fun too except for sometimes it gets way too inappropriate. Weird huh?! Anyways try telling your friends this. I'm sure they'll understand!!!

Relax! Dancing is super easy... if you are talking about grinding or dancing with girls read below..
okay so a guy will come up to you and might ask you to dance--or he wont ask first- but either way he'll eventually put his hands on your hips and press himself up against you. Many guys suck at this next part so if if feels kind of wrong it may not be your fault. Now you pressyour butt against him and follow his direction in movement if he is swaying. Go from side while kind of going in a mini oval if that makes sense. BUT do not hoola dance! do not rotate your hips in a giant circle. Make sure you are pressed up against him the whole time. If the guy does not move he may expect you to do all the work. In this case just sway like i said before. You could practice on a wall or a pole or something and infront of the mirror. Listen to the music and follow the beat. Okay now when there is rap music and you are dancing with your friends you usually clasp hands and move your hips and sometimes raise your clasped hands above your heads. It is kindof like you are grinding the air with a little more freedom. Oh, and also sometimes when you are grinding the guy may try to bend you over...if you are ready for this and feel comphortable bend over and grab your knees to hold steady. Then he will press himself against your butt and you kind of grind that way in like a circular motion with your butt. Yea grinding is kind of gross but thats the way everyone dances now. sometimes girls even grab on to people around them for support when they are bent over. Just make sure to practice these steps in your room while listening to music and watch yourself to see if you look good. Oh yea and sometimes at dances you get cramps because you dance so much--this is normal. Make sure to bring a hair tie and some make up because it gets so hot and sweaty in there and you will wish you did because your hair will probably get disgusting haha. I hope i answered your questions! Good luck!