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Position:Home>Dancing> Are Raves Fun?

Question:My girlfriend wants to go to a rave one time, and I want to be open to stuff and go to. BUT, I have no idea how to dance at a rave. Suggestions on how to learn before I would go to one?

Neither of us know how to.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My girlfriend wants to go to a rave one time, and I want to be open to stuff and go to. BUT, I have no idea how to dance at a rave. Suggestions on how to learn before I would go to one?

Neither of us know how to.

it's super fun

dance how ever you would like!


glow stick dance
or dance with your girl

move to the beat have a blast

look at other people dance or just act crazy have a good time

just move your body and feet and move like a wave and dance with the flow

just see what everyone else is doing till you get more confidant. and lol yes they are fun :D