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Position:Home>Dancing> I'M TRyiNG 0UT F0R My SCH0Ol HiP-H0P ClASS, AND iT iS REQUiRED T0 D0 S0ME C0

Question:Heyy <33
Well nobody can really tell you what to do... It sounds like you don't know what counts of freestyle are so I'm just gonna tell you and maybe that will help.... It just doing your own thing for a few counts of the song. You can do some moves that you know or just keep it simple. If you aren't the greatest dancer, try asking a friend if they know any cool dance moves or something. Hope I helped a little && Good luck with the tryout !_____x

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Heyy <33
Well nobody can really tell you what to do... It sounds like you don't know what counts of freestyle are so I'm just gonna tell you and maybe that will help.... It just doing your own thing for a few counts of the song. You can do some moves that you know or just keep it simple. If you aren't the greatest dancer, try asking a friend if they know any cool dance moves or something. Hope I helped a little && Good luck with the tryout !_____x

go on youtube and/or expert village xxx gd luk

You should do well... you appear to have the IQ for it

First tip - stop acting like you're 10 years old.