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Position:Home>Dancing> Need help on bboying- breakdancing freezes + kipups+ windmills?

Question:I'm 12, not 2 flexible or balanced, i can kinda get kipup but not really, and i got coffee grinder, please give me steps, instructions, tips, or sites besides youtube. Thanks!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm 12, not 2 flexible or balanced, i can kinda get kipup but not really, and i got coffee grinder, please give me steps, instructions, tips, or sites besides youtube. Thanks!!!

To be honest you need to go to class or get in a group. I'm not sure where you're based but by me there are plenty of places that run street, locking and breaking classes.
You learn better by being around others, feeding off them.
You can also try one of the bboyz DVDs to get you in the mood such as "Breakdance Step By Step"
If possible check out a show by these guys