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I am going to be asessed by a ballet teacher to see what class I should be in. I am 13 and can do the first position both ways, what is the actuall right one?

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I am going to be asessed by a ballet teacher to see what class I should be in. I am 13 and can do the first position both ways, what is the actuall right one?

Ideally, your turnout will have you doing first position like in the second photo, but most teachers want to see you perform it like in the first photo. The reason is that you may be twisting at the knees in order to get a full 90degree turnout and that will cause problems for you health-wise.

Your best bet is to perform it like in the first photo, but tell her you are capable of a bigger turnout, you just want to make sure you are turning out form the hip and not twisting from the knee or rolling in on your feet.

They are both right but those 2 girl have differnt turn outs I'm sure your teacher won't assess you on how far out your turn out is but those are the correct. Put your feet together and then turn out quickly that is your natural turn out

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The first one is more natural and relaxed. The other one looks like you are forcing it to much. Go with the first one.

the first one. the second one is too turned out, if u do that u will probably fall over. also, in the second one she is rolling, meaning her weight isnt evenly seperated throughout her toes. ur teacher will want u to do the first one, make sure u dont turn out too much and roll forward

DO NOT roll in on your arches like the pic at the bottom. It's really bad for your knees, and it will prevent you from jumping, and having a lengthy dancing career.

if thats the only thing you can do them your not going to get far and they are both right just the second one has a better turn out

i dont think that first possition "turn out" is going to be that important as your plie' and grand plie'....take it from someone who has auditioned for MANY schools and companies.

the teacher will usually show what she wants first but also:
keep your hair secure and away from your face
dont wear jewelry
dont figit with anything during your evaluation
stretch out well and take your time to feel the music especially when you are doing your plie's ( go slow down and go slow up.) Its the main way you can tell a novice from someone who knows what they are doing!
go through the foot when you point. (like in tondue: demipoint to point when exicuting the
IF a correction is givin even if its not for you listen to it. they shouldnt give any corrections but be prepared.
dont talk
& good luck

Each person has a different turn-out ability. You can't push your turn-out. You could damage your knees and possibly never dance again. The first picture is probably closer to what it should look like, because their is only a select few who can do a 180 degree turn-out. It would definitely be a better idea to only turn-out like the first picture. It would also be really embarrassing to have someone correct your turn-out at an audition, no teacher should ever force you to do a 180 degree turn-out.

The second one is extended beyond first position. You do want that 180 degree line, but not at the expense of turning in on your arches. Turn out is one of those dance things thats more quality than quantity. Go as far as you can comfortably go while maintaining proper form.

The second picture looks like the dancer is rolling in on her ankles, which is wrong. You need a three point balance on each foot, IE. both sides of the metatarsals, and the center of the heel.
If you are very hyper extensive in the knees, it IS acceptable to have your heels slightly apart in first.

it depends on how much turnout you have. the second girl has a lot more turnout, but she's rolling which is bad. she's also over turned out; your heels should not be in front of your toes.
you have to be careful that you are not turning out from your knees, because this will give you serious knee problems. to be safe, i would do the first way for now until you know more technique.