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Position:Home>Dancing> How do you kick yourself off the floor?

Question:How can you jump back on your feet while your on the floor if possible please explain step by step.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How can you jump back on your feet while your on the floor if possible please explain step by step.

It is possible and I have seen it done. First you must believe that you can do it, then you need to practice a few times every day. The trick is when you lay on your back you bring your knees to your chest then thrust the soles of your feet to the ground where you should pop-up, of course you must thrust your head/shoulders forward at the same time to get the momentum you will need to pull it off. This move takes practice and muscle. The muscle will come with plenty of practice.
The move is a classic break-dance maneuver and you should be able to see it done on you tube.