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Position:Home>Dancing> Are there any good after school dance studions in houston in sbisd?

Question:my daughter wants to be a dancer and i want to know if there are any good after school dance stodios in the spring branch isd area.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: my daughter wants to be a dancer and i want to know if there are any good after school dance stodios in the spring branch isd area.

Check out what Sarah B posted, though I think that is for dancers with a few years of experience. Try Margo Marshall School of Dance...I think they are in Spring Branch - its mostly ballet, but they do teach some modern/jazz. Good Luck.

Well if you really want your daughter to be a great ballerina she should go to the houston ballet audition in Febuary. It is one of the best dance companies in the United States. She will need a head shoot and a pic of herself doing a ballet pose. Go to there website for more details.