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Question:Please help, I need new material for a show for me and my friend who are doing hip hop. We mostly need tricks or things we could do that look great. I have some upper body strength, but now backflips or anything!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Please help, I need new material for a show for me and my friend who are doing hip hop. We mostly need tricks or things we could do that look great. I have some upper body strength, but now backflips or anything!

Soujia Boy brought his new line of dance that started with the Kris-Kross, a type of hip-hop jump.

1. Jump with both feet, landing with LF crossing over RF.
2. Jump with both feet, landing with RF crossing over LF
(Count: 1 2)

Now let's take it a little further...the Double Kris-Kross.

Double Kris-Kross
1. Jump with both feet, landing with LF crossing over RF.
2. Jump with both feet, ladning with RF crossing over LF
(the "switch")
3. Repeat no. 1
4. Repeat no. 2
(Count: 1 2 3 4)
(You can "double time" these four steps by counting
"1 and 2 and" to make them faster.)

There is also another move I know that was inspired by
the Dance Dance Revolution video game. The Freeze Step.
But I twisted it and called it the Freeze Special.

Freeze Special
Start with feet together.

1. Jump and land with LF and RF a shoulder-width apart
2. Jump and land ending with LF and RF closed.
3. Repeat no. 1
4. Repeat no. 2
5. Repeat no. 1
6. Repeat no. 2
7. Repeat no. 1
8. Repeat no. 2
(Count: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)

You can try different rhythmic changes for those 8 steps, like...
(Count: 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and)


(Count: 1 (hold 2) 3 (hold 4) 5 (hold 6) 7 (hold 8) 9 10 11 12))


(Count: 1 2 3 4 5 (hold 6) 7 (hold 8) 9 (hold 10) 11 (hold 12))

youtube my friend, And search..Crump, and You Got Served

anything but soulja boy garbage...