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Position:Home>Dancing> There really is a 'dancing world' and a 'normal world' isn't

Question:People think I'm a freak when I say that as soon as school ends for the day I go straight to dancing, everyday! But I'm sure you guys think its normal :P

And how we can talk for HOURS about feet and crazy flexy stuff.

A couple of days ago I was with friends that don't dance at all and they thought that it was possible to have your ankle next to your ear. BOY DID I PROVE THEM WRONG! lol! I think I scarred them for lifeeee ;] haha, with my crazy leg extensions.

Have a nice day everyone :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: People think I'm a freak when I say that as soon as school ends for the day I go straight to dancing, everyday! But I'm sure you guys think its normal :P

And how we can talk for HOURS about feet and crazy flexy stuff.

A couple of days ago I was with friends that don't dance at all and they thought that it was possible to have your ankle next to your ear. BOY DID I PROVE THEM WRONG! lol! I think I scarred them for lifeeee ;] haha, with my crazy leg extensions.

Have a nice day everyone :)


I know what you mean .. i am dancer too and my friends felt the same way when i did that


you have an exciting life, honestly

i feel the same way. if you have danced all your life, thats pretty much all you know. it takes over your life!

There is a whole society of people who dance and compete in ballroom dancing. They are the most gracious and sincerely loving group of people you will ever meet. They travel around and follow the competitions in the different cities and they all seem to know each other. Watch the movie "Shall We Dance" and you will see what I mean.

My friends complain all the time that I talk about dance too much. I can't help it, it's all I ever think about! I could definitely talk for hours about dance...

Ya, so true. Thankfully two of my best friends are dancers and we talk about crazy things all the time. Other people look at us like we're aliens, but it makes since to other dancers. For example, we'll be sitting with our other friends and randomly do the splits or battement or something and they're all amazed, but it's normal to us.

I totally feel the same way!!

I am first on the dance floor and last one to leave the stage.

I much prefer the dancing world to the ordinary one. ;-)

It doesn't go away with age either, so don't worry.

I will admit that I won't talk about feet and crazy flexy stuff for hours, but I can probably discuss ways to improve various moves for an equal amount of time.

I so know what you mean! I'm taking dance classes at the college I'm attending, and last semester everyday was dance day! Now I only go twice a week and I find myself constantly doing something dance related. Everytime a song is on where ever I am, I just start moving and my b/f is always like 'why is it that everytime you hear something you just wanna start moving?!' But I can't help it, I hear music, I think dance! It has and always will be a part of my world!

Dear Rach, the way you are about dance, I was about diving. When someone has a talent for any sport or art, they tend to hang out with others who have the same interest. When you mix with outsiders, you seem to be a superman to them. Keep having fun, and amaze us all.