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Position:Home>Dancing> Dance or Gymnastics?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Why?

Dance because there is more expression and you can always incorporate gymnastics into dance. Plus I have danced for 14 years so I have to say dance. I hate watching people flip live I love watching it recorded but when it is live I am scared they are going to fall.

dance, you can dance when you are 80 years old. I dont any old people doing flips and vaults!

i would like to learn gymnastics but i'm scared to do alot of flips but def dance either way cuz i just love dancing and learning it.

It's really what you prefer. But I chose dance because there is a less of a chance you could be hurt. Also there are a lot more varities of dances, but for gymnastics, its just the same flips and turns.

both they compliment each other

I prefer dance.
I don't really like the whole pole / vault / beam
thing, and the costumes they get to wear.

To me, all gymnastics routines look the same.
I'd probably like it more if I were in gymnastics
right now, and sometimes I wish I was. Like I'd
be able to just do aerials and flips and stuff?

And then again, sometimes I wish I were just sent
to a hardcore dance studio when I was younger so
I'd have been in competitions my WHOLE life, and
they'd probably teach me gymnastics-y moves like
plag or plague or... my dancing goal... aerials.

I guess tie.
Good question :)

DANCE!!! You get to like express yourself. There are so many different types of dance too. It's so much fun getting to do all the different types. Also, in dance you do a little bit of gymnastics (not much, but a little). Dancing is just so much fun. It's a great way to keep in shape too!!

i like dancing but i never don gymnastics so i would pick both!!