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Question:Yea, i have loads of questions and i keep thinking of some more, my usual weight is 10 pounds over weight but during the summer i'm sometimes average.

Does kickline have anything against like weight? would i embarrass myself since i really haven't seen girls fat on the team, even so my friends say im not fat when i know i am.

and this would be me right after summer pretty much a good weight(then later in the year i started running again so im flexible and have a better body shape.)

this week i been really trying to get to my average weight but no running because i got a cold >< :) anyways you think im good enough to join(body weight)?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yea, i have loads of questions and i keep thinking of some more, my usual weight is 10 pounds over weight but during the summer i'm sometimes average.

Does kickline have anything against like weight? would i embarrass myself since i really haven't seen girls fat on the team, even so my friends say im not fat when i know i am.

and this would be me right after summer pretty much a good weight(then later in the year i started running again so im flexible and have a better body shape.)

this week i been really trying to get to my average weight but no running because i got a cold >< :) anyways you think im good enough to join(body weight)?

You are not fat! And also, if you are trying to lose weight it won't all happen in a week. Try to modify your diet by making it healthier and exercise more, but since you are young you shouldn't focus on calories and intense workouts because your body can burn the weight off with just some minor changes. As to the kickline, they don't discriminate against appearance. The only problem is that if your weight appears to impact your stamina and flexibility, they might not choose you to join because kickline's require long practices and lots of flexibility, but trust me, your weight won't do this!

you are not fat!!! you are a good size for a kick line