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Question:I'm doing a dance to 'Break The Ice' By Britney Spears
Heres the link:
Have any of u got some dance moves i can use to dance in a comp with it..
I want sexy but not too sexy if you know what i mean.
Style would kinda be Hip-Hop and Jazz sorta in the middle but more of a fast style ya kno lol
I'm a girl and in the dance by myself.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm doing a dance to 'Break The Ice' By Britney Spears
Heres the link:
Have any of u got some dance moves i can use to dance in a comp with it..
I want sexy but not too sexy if you know what i mean.
Style would kinda be Hip-Hop and Jazz sorta in the middle but more of a fast style ya kno lol
I'm a girl and in the dance by myself.

try to be really sharp.
my computer won't let me watch
the video, but seeing that you're
going into a competition & that
it's hip hop / jazz, try these moves:

jazz walks
jazz hands
switch split
pirouette w/ back
leg in attitude, arms
in ballet fifth position
fan kicks / rolls
run to corners

watch SYTYCD re-runs
on youtube.


How about the Blockbuster Hand Jive?