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Position:Home>Dancing> How could I "get out of" a side attitude?

Question:In a dance solo I'm choreographing,
I usually get kinda stuck in a side attitude.

Pas-de-borret just isn't working because I
do a chenaie immediately after.

Should I just jump out of it?
Should I do a sideward extension?

Ten points to best answer, I promise.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In a dance solo I'm choreographing,
I usually get kinda stuck in a side attitude.

Pas-de-borret just isn't working because I
do a chenaie immediately after.

Should I just jump out of it?
Should I do a sideward extension?

Ten points to best answer, I promise.

Try one of these:
~Do the side attitude in plie, then do a swivel kick, it's hard to explain. You bring the leg that is in attitude to a low coupe, but instead of turning out the leg you turn in so that the leg is crossed in front of your other leg. Then turn it out and extend to a battement al le seconde en releve. To end, bring the working leg in front and turn out of it and go straight into the chaine
~Take the leg that is in side attitude and bring it to front attitude then leap out of it. Say the left leg is the one working, you would start facing front with the side attitude, then stay facing front with front attitude, the turn to the right diagonal/side for the leap. This requires a lot of plie, but looks really good if done correctly
~Plie on the side attitude then go up on eleve while doing a back attitude turn

I hope I helped! I really thought about this and thought that any of these would be nice for a solo. Good luck ( :

I think you should jump out of it cuz it might look prettier. Just do both and see which one feels more comfortable to you. that is just my opinion on what you should do.

Yeah, I think do an extension. Maybe bring it to retearae? (I have no idea how to spell it).

But the jump will look fine too, either way will look great.

Good Luck with the solo :) Hope this helps