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Position:Home>Dancing> Pirouettes vs. Type of Shoes?

Question:Is it possible for the type/pair of jazz shoes I'm using to prevent me from being able to do my pirouettes to my best ability?

I can do a double pretty well with bare feet on wood flooring, but can get only a single in the dance studio.

Could my shoes be affecting how well I'm able to turn?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is it possible for the type/pair of jazz shoes I'm using to prevent me from being able to do my pirouettes to my best ability?

I can do a double pretty well with bare feet on wood flooring, but can get only a single in the dance studio.

Could my shoes be affecting how well I'm able to turn? may have to experiment with shoes while in the dance shop...for me, jazz sneakers are horrible for turns, I turn best in metatarsal sandals or bloch jazz shoes or even the leather ballet slippers....I can't do any turns barefoot.

well sure. you have a certain comfort level with dancing barefoot......but it's good practice to dance in shoes because if you continue dancing, you won't always be barefoot on a woodfloor. it's just something you have to get used to. good luck :)