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Position:Home>Dancing> Whats a kind of dance?

Question:That i can have a really fun time with and that doesnt involve having tons of training, i have only taken one hip hop class in my entire life so i dont know what would be the best?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: That i can have a really fun time with and that doesnt involve having tons of training, i have only taken one hip hop class in my entire life so i dont know what would be the best?

hip hop is probably your best bett!
its fun and you dont need any technique
ive been takingit for a while now
but i do have some technique but
hip hop is the class that i have the most fun

Hip-Hop is very fun i want to be in it so bad you should be in hip hop or what kinda music u like u like hip-hop r&b or jazz
or sumthin then u culd see wat kinda dancin see videos of dancing see which one you like the best

Hiphop and freestyle is really the best for like, school talent show or anything

Hip-Hop is very fun i want to be in it so bad you should be in hip hop or what kinda music u like u like hip-hop r&b or jazz
or sumthin then u culd see wat kinda dancin see videos of dancing see which one you like the best
5 minutes ago

hip hop is your best bet...any other dance is going to involve could also try dances like salsa or samba...those are fun and dont require a lot of training

Hip hop... Bhangra