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Position:Home>Dancing> Doing the splits??

Question:Okay so I want to be able to do the spilts right left and middle ones. What are some streches to that I can do? I am pretty close

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay so I want to be able to do the spilts right left and middle ones. What are some streches to that I can do? I am pretty close

Key is hip and inner thigh. Try some butterfly stretches. Anything that you can do to loosen up the hip. Make sure that you also keep in mind the inner thigh that is where you will feel the most pulling, make sure before trying to do your warm ups!! This will keep you from straining. Good Luck !!!!

how about considering yoga


well do the splits, but warm up your legs first- It helps a lot, I did it for cheer leading (GO BOBCATS!!)

well what some had to do for me was when your almost there but you seem not to be able to go down anymore tell your mom or anyone to push you down and it works..=] might a hurt a lil but it helps! =]]]]]

For me the splits came easy after a week of periodicly trying it throughout the day.

Just doing the basic stretched every morning and night will really help limber up your muscles. I can do all three, but I remember that just trying and pushing little by little you will get there. If you move too fast you can pull something. But if you keep them flexible (trying twice or three times a day), you will get there!!

For ALL of them, you can sit on the floor, and spread ur legs into a V shape. Then lean over to the left and put ur head on ur knee. Then do the same thing to the right. THEN in the middle. Thats what i did!!! Now i can do the splits left and right!!! =-D

Here are GREAT tips and exercises for you to work on to achieve your splits! Helped me out sooo much! :)

Also - make sure to never "bounce" while stretching. And make sure to never let anyone push you down into your splits... you can tear muscles that way!!

Just constantly stretch out your muscles.. and while you are watching tv... say like ok im going to hold my splits for this whole part before the comercial comes on.. eventaully your muscles will loosen and you will notice yourself getting lower..I have that problem too... like i keep getting lower but theres just one part where you feel like your not going anywhere... my dance teacher says that happens if your not naturally fkexible but just keep constantly working on it and you will see a difference...

you just need to practice them
hold them for three minutes
first minute arch your back back
second minute lean forward on your leg
third minute push down
for the middle ones either hold your wrists infront of you not touching the ground
or go on your elbows

also prcatice your kicks alot it helps too

im a cheerleader...and when we strech everywhere.....but all you have to do is get in a stradle position(sit down with your legs far apart as possible)...and try to touch your right foot with your left hand until it hurts for about 20 seconds,then swich

the you can just sit with your feet stright out in front of you and try to grab your toes

and the butterfly strech where you sit with your feet crossed and see if you can make them touch the floor

like most people said stretching will get u there if u just stick with it but here are some things to do.

if ur really close try doing them on a soft surface like the couch u can put a pillow underneath u if u need to. but this way u can let ur hips sink into the position without the help of ur hands. trying them on the grass is also a little better than on a hard surface.

also, you can do a partner stretch. stand against a wall and have a partner pusher ur let up while they do that press against them and resist them. this will strenghten the muscles and makes it easier to do the splits after u have done this try the splits and it should help

Yoga helps and body balance classes.

after you take a warm/hot bath. stay wet and just slide into a split. your muscles will be warmer and it won't damage them. do that every night until you get them! trust me it works!