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Position:Home>Dancing> Is it to late for me to learn to ballet en pointe?

Question:I am 11?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am 11?

IT is not to late to learn pointe. However you need to take classes for a couple of years. The decision to be put onto pointe has to be made by a proffessional teacher. If you begin pointe work to early you can seriously damage you feet and ankles. People are encouraged to start ballet at a young age so that they have years to build up the muslce in their legs and to ensure they have strong metatarsals in the feet. There are numerous exercises you can practice to achieve this quicker. One of these is to place a tennis ball inbetween your ankles and rise up onto your toes and then lower. Keep repeating this every day as often as possile. The idea is to keep the ball in it's position so that it does not fall out. You will need ballet classes on top of this though. If you have the determination to work at home as well as in your lessons you may on pointe within a year. Most dancers do start pointe between 12 and 13 but i no people who have not started until 18 due to the poor toning in their legs. So no your not to late, you just need to play catch up!

no....your to young. you have to be 12 to actually go on en pointe, but you can start training.

A lot of people decide to start dance at around 11. I personally am 13 and have danced since I was 3 or 4, but I know plenty of beginners my age. Ballet you'll be able to start right away, but pointe you cannot. For pointe you must have probably about 2 years of ballet AT LEAST! With at least two years of ballet there is no way your ankles will be ready. It takes a whole lot to get your ankles ready for point because of the way you dance. Without seriously prepared ankles you can paralyze yourself trying to do pointe!

No, you are not too old. You are actually at a perfect age to start ballet. It may take a few years of classes before you go on pointe, but you will likely progress faster than younger girls because of your age (more mature and stronger body). Go for it!

Its never to late to learn how to dance. But, You have to really learn and master the techniques of ballet first, because It all builds. And you need to be able to do ballet swiftly before pointe. Because If you start early, and your body isn't ready, you could get injured very easily. And injuries really bring down the body. So you have to be careful

no you just have to practice longer and harder

Nope. You are still in that range where it's still perfect to learn ballet. However it might take you a little bit longer to do developpes and pointe. It wont take long, especially if you practice. That is key. No good dancer becomes good overnight. Eat right, Get enough sleep, drink plenty of water and always stay focused. Never make it a job. Always a passion. Plus after you become good in ballet that could be your main base for learning other dances. Good luck!

you're at a great age for pointe but if you havent had ballet training recently, you're going to need to start that first.

ummmmm since you haven't been taking ballet in six months i would start to take ballet again and then ask your ballet teacher if you are ready for pointe