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Position:Home>Dancing> Ballet!!! Hurry please does anyone know?????

Question:What's the correct arm placement for entrachat cinq?? I'm thinking it's first but does it open to second if I'm landing in coupe (right foot coupe to the back...)?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What's the correct arm placement for entrachat cinq?? I'm thinking it's first but does it open to second if I'm landing in coupe (right foot coupe to the back...)?

All entrachats should start from fifth or third since if you were doing it from first you would always have to add an additional beat.

Sorry just reread the question and realized you meant arms. Arms should be low first and remain there the whole time. Trying to move your arms while doing an entrachat is not attractive...reminiscent of a flapping bird =D Best to keep them low and leave them there.

Relax,Sweetie(or is your dance instructor giving you the hairy eyeball?) You're correct in your arm placement.Now go and dance well!