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Position:Home>Dancing> I can't dance?

Question:My girlfriend can, but I'm afraid to go to a dance because I don't know how...
Please help!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My girlfriend can, but I'm afraid to go to a dance because I don't know how...
Please help!!

Don't worry. Just try standing alone in an area, and move your feet. You'll get the hang of it. And you can even try practicing with a friend or a parent until you feel satisfied that you can do it. Good luck! :)

Well you can't dance eh?

Well don't be embarrassed about it.

Try this,ask you g/f to teach you. She more than likely be thrilled that you asked her to. And you'll both have fun!

well technically for a dance, you don't have to actually dance. i mean, you do, but it's not real dancing, it's really more of swaying to the music! just go with the flow, and pretend like you know what you're doing. even if she does notice you can't dance, if she's 4real she'll love you anyway!

When you mean a dance do you mean as a ballroom dance? because if so i can help you heaps. Try taking lessons the average price for lessons can be around $7-10 for a hour. You can go on youtube for basic steps for simple rounteins of dances but i would suggest doing a class. Now there are two sets of dances you can pretty much do, The more freestyle fun type dances ~ these are those dances that change partners like the square rumba (very simple dance) and the evening threestep. The more personal dances that you dont change partners are those like the waltz and quickstep. If your main intention of dancing is to go out and dance with your girlfriend then you should choose the waltz. You should go to a proper dancing studio. if your worried that its lame and nerdy and people will make fun of you dont be because it is not STUPID! I am a international ballroomdancer who does competitions all the time with my partner. and Im only 15. One day I'm going to win the world Latin like my father. Dancing is really good you should really go to a studio or... try calling up your grandparents they will know how to do simple dances like the waltz, and they will even do it for free. Since ballroom dancing has been around for centuries they would know how to dance ballroom dances. Still personally I think you should do one class of ballroom. Really thou if you think your going to look really stupid doing something like ballroom then think of it this. Ballroom is not ballet, it is not breakdancing. It is a PARTNER dance which can only be done by having two people dance a set out routine, of both girl steps and BOY steps. It is really easy to dance. I teach ballroom dancing to 6-10 yr olds and they can dance the dances with confidence easily.


all my friends say the same thing
look a them they love dancing now lol
dont be emberrased