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Position:Home>Dancing> Before I start going to the club, I want to learn how to dance...what's the

Question:I am in the Los Angeles area and I figured that there was a school or something that I could go to and get group lessons similar to what you may get when going to the gym. Any suggestions, tips, recommendations or comments are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am in the Los Angeles area and I figured that there was a school or something that I could go to and get group lessons similar to what you may get when going to the gym. Any suggestions, tips, recommendations or comments are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Just turn the music on at home and dance. Be sure to dance in front of the mirror. Check out music videos for ideas on moves, but mostly being good on the dancefloor of a club has to do with confidence. And have fun!!!!

If you want to dance something with steps, like salsa or ballroom, then go get lessons - there are plenty of studios and classes all over L.A.

I love dancing, and I don't mind dancing with a partner who isn't so smooth with the moves, but who is willing to get up and just move however the music tells him to.

Try the park dist and look in the phone book for dance studios. Latin dances are popular and so is the West Coast Swing. Look for beginners classes that offer that and avoid classes that will teach several dances in a few short weeks. It takes practice to dance good and learning multiple dances at one time is difficult to remember and will only cause frustration and eventually you will give up what could have been a really enjoyable hobby.

Well if you dont want to pay for anything usually park districts or your community center might offer classes. But the best way i learn is looking up videos on maybe youtube or whatever with the type of music I will be dancing to. Like if i wanted to learn salsa id type that in and it will shwo me videos of people doing salsa. But it also helps to just go to a club watch what people are doing and copy it...and eventually you will be able to throw in your own moves. Bringing a friend that knows what they are doing helps too:)