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Question:the meanness that girls go through at a dance studio? they can be so mean to each other about their abilities, attitude...anything! how can you get over it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: the meanness that girls go through at a dance studio? they can be so mean to each other about their abilities, attitude...anything! how can you get over it?

I know what you mean, but there really isn't much you can do about it. I've been taking dance lessons since I was two years old and I have met many kind as well as mean girls through my dancing experiences. Most are kind, but I always seem to come across some really mean ones. Some of the mean girls are not great dancers yet constantly put down others' dancing abilities, some are very good at dancing and can't stop bragging about it. Both types can get very annoying. The best way to deal with it is to ignore them or say "Don't put me down, because I'm happy with my dancing and improving by the minute!" Just let them know that you don't care about what they think, you only care about improvement and becoming a better dancer, but don't sink to their level and give insults. You're too good for that!

Be above them by not dignifying their catcalls and insults with a response.

find some friends who u are stable with, who will not compete with u
good luck =)

sometimes their jealous
avoid them and do what you do best

Ya, that's hard. You have to be confident in your abilities and know that you are a great dancer. That's really what it takes, a stong self-image. This one girl at my studio does this: any time I mess up she asks the teacher how that part was supposed to go and then says "oh, because Kyndall didn't do it that way" it's annoying but she's probably just trying to make herself feel better. Don't start a fight or get upset, they are weak inside. It's just like bullies, they don't like people who can do things they can't. If it gets really out of control, talk to your teacher about it and maybe she could have a talk with everyone. You want to be a team, not a bunch of bullies.

There are several good answers here, but I want to add that these types of people will pop up your life from time to time even outside a dance studio. It may not be as obvious, but the longer I life the more I realize some things just don't change.

Your best bet (no matter where you see this behaviour) is to rise above it and ignore it. The more you focus on YOU and what you're trying to learn, the less time you'll have to worry about them. Believe me, most teachers aren't fooled by those girls with attitude. Do your best to focus on the moves you're learning and don't watch the other girls in your class. This will not only improve your dancing technique, it will improve your ability to memorize the dance without watching anyone else.

Ideally, instructors should discourage bad attitudes and try to cultivate a positive environment by pointing out the best abilities of each girl. No one is going to be the best at everything .. so, it should be fairly easy to compliment one girl's kicks, one girl's turns, one girl's splits, etc and spread the praise around. If they overhear someone being nasty to another girl, the person being nasty should be taken aside and told that that kind of behaviour will not be tolerated.

Women are notoriously competitive, but we should (starting as girls) learn to praise each other's strengths including our own and not point out and degrade each other for our weaknesses (we've ALL got them).