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Position:Home>Dancing> How to dance like Turk?

Question:You know Turk from Scrubs? love the way he dances... =)
How do I learn to dance like he does... I'm sure i could do it if i practice. Anybody know how I can learn this?
theres more in this video...
in perticular the moves he does at:
01:38 - 01:44
02:22 - 02:27
02:49 - 02:51

so, anybody know anything about those moves he does, or if there's a general category or style that includes all those moves, let me know please.
(I think one dance he does is called "the running man"...)

and maybe someone knows a good place to learn these things (maybe online...)

thanks =)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You know Turk from Scrubs? love the way he dances... =)
How do I learn to dance like he does... I'm sure i could do it if i practice. Anybody know how I can learn this?
theres more in this video...
in perticular the moves he does at:
01:38 - 01:44
02:22 - 02:27
02:49 - 02:51

so, anybody know anything about those moves he does, or if there's a general category or style that includes all those moves, let me know please.
(I think one dance he does is called "the running man"...)

and maybe someone knows a good place to learn these things (maybe online...)

thanks =)

This is pop and locking. The first one was a crip walk! lol Melbourne shuffle and i cant rememer the other one's name (sorry i just gotta outta bed). There's plenty of tutorials on youtube

He also does some waving

In this dances practice is it. No way around it.