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Question:im did ballet when i was 5 then i stoppped i wanna do it again but i don't if i shuld do ballet or cheerleading i can't both 'cause im starting to play tennis can u gove me reasons from both side?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im did ballet when i was 5 then i stoppped i wanna do it again but i don't if i shuld do ballet or cheerleading i can't both 'cause im starting to play tennis can u gove me reasons from both side?

It really depends on what you want to achieve from it. Ballet requires alot of technique but is fantastic for posutre and inner body tone and strength. Alot of people can find ballet dull due to the pace of the music. You tend to find that alot of younger girls do ballet and then drop out as they get older becasue the amalgamations get harder. Cheerleading is seen as a more fun disicipline but you need to be fearless for this. There are a lot of lifts where you are dependent upon those upon your squad to catch you. Ballet is more of a personal thing and is something that only you can achieve alone where as cheerleading is a larger group of you. I currently study both and enjoy the ballet as i find it helps me to place my weight correctly for the cheerleading as this is very important with the lifts. If you want to be a dancer then go for the ballet but it takes alot of work and stamina. If your looking for a hobby and something to keep you fit go with the cheerleading. Hope this helps. x

i'd say ballet. :)

Switch to something more fun, learn to play the guitar or drums or something. You can actually achieve something then.

ballet!! i've done ballet for 8 years, and i think its definetly worth it!! :D ballet requires more skill and allows you to feel more accomplished once you get a step or a dance right. Also, ballet gives you more grace flexibility and an inner confidence that definetly shows. PLus, if you do ballet, you won't have to be freezing at football games!! :D lol
also, you dont necessarily have to be skinny for either of them. at 110 pounds, you actually sound really skinny. but then again, it depends on you age and height. when you start ballet, it s actually kinda challenging to find your core and center, but once you get it, your body will be a lot more toned and healthy. good luck! :D

i did ballet also when i was in grade school. sure it was fun. but it can be very sentimental..

i've wanted something more fun which requires a lot of movement. i'm happy with it. and i've earned more friends. aside from that, i got popular.. so, i say, cheerleading..! o^^o

I say do whichever you like! I'm sure you'll have fun doing both. I'm in cheerleading right now. I love it! People in my team came from different backgrounds (martial arts, many from ballet, breakdancing, hiphop, no experience, etc). I wish I was in ballet when I was younger because that would help with flexibility, grace in movement, etc. Stretch, arabesque, scorpion, liberty are your basic moves which require a lot of flexibility and strength and I think the transition from ballet to cheer is pretty good. Also, with ballet, you can perform this by yourself whereas cheer is definately a team effort. I definately think you can do both! Why not try for ballet one year and do cheer eventually or do both! Best of luck!

Ballet.........there is such a stigma to cheerleaders, dumb. And sorry to say, but I think girls get into cheerleading for the wrong reasons. THAT IS ONLY MY OPINION

Well, if it were up to me, I would to ballet (I dance ballet btw LOL). There are many reasons why I would choose this sport over cheerleading.
? Cheerleading won't get you into a good college unless your REALLY REALLY good at it
? You'll have to learn gymnastics for cheerleading
? Ballet is good for your poster
? You could seriously hurt yourself doing cheerleading (my friends knee popped out of the socket or something like that)
& so on..
So i would definitely choose BALLET!! :DD

I'd say ballet. It requires more skill and precision. Depends what you're looking for really. Cheerleading could be fun, I don't mind giving it a go myself. I've done gymnastics and diving in the past. I did ballet until I was 10 and got back into it when I was 14. Its easier to get back into something than to start something new, if you like to see it that way. But new things are always fun.

i think in ballet you get grace and discipline and it improves your posture and with cheerleading you do flips and do more jazz like moves and splits

i would choose ballet :-)

I'd advise u to continue ballet.My reason is,its more graceful and very interesting and if you're lucky and become a star ballet dancer the u could be chosen to do the ballet steps for any animation series.They will apply ur steps for animation series.Then u will become famous.And its good exercise and helps in your balancing.

Ok, to ashbloxc or whatever, saying that you achive more in "guitar" then ballet or cheerleading isn't very wise to say in a place FULL of dancers and cheerleaders. I am not trying to put down music, because if that is your passion, go for it. But DO NOT EVER say that you can't achive anything in ballet or cheerleading, or anything else for that matter if you haven't tried it/had proper instruction in it.

So back to the question, I would personally go with ballet because cheerleading (at least where I am) is more expencive and with ballet or any dance, you can choose to do competeitions or not. With cheer, I'm pretty sure you just do the competitions automatically. But maybe you like that. I also had a hard time deciding between ballet and cheer, I choose ballet and never looked back :)

I'm only thirteen years old and I've been dancing for ten years. I think ballet is the most wonderful thing ever. It gives you a great sense of accomplishment and determination but, ballet is for serious people. So if you just want to have fun you can try cheerleading or you could start ballet and then go into cheerleading because you can't go into something like cheerleading without a background in dance or gymnastics.

ballet is better,or why dont you do something else where you can actually achieve something.
your choice anyway and good luck.