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Position:Home>Dancing> Why boys, why.?

Question:Okay, personally I love ballroom dancing, the feel of it mostly but being up close to a boy doesn't bug me. What I don't get is why in the heck do boys NEVER want to ballroom dance. Its fun and you get to hold a girl to every song that should be a plus for you! Don't care if your harsh just give me your opinion.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay, personally I love ballroom dancing, the feel of it mostly but being up close to a boy doesn't bug me. What I don't get is why in the heck do boys NEVER want to ballroom dance. Its fun and you get to hold a girl to every song that should be a plus for you! Don't care if your harsh just give me your opinion.

It is proven that men tend to not like to show there emotions and dance is a way of expressing simply feel uncomfortable dancing infornt of people unless they look upon it as a talent and not a way of expressing himself to an audience... trust me men doent have a problem holding a woman close its the word dancing that makes them uneasy, not saying all guys but some. some look at it as girly, emotional and flamboyent. the media makes men dancing un cool as well the stareotypical male ballet dancer is a homosexual man in tights expressing himself, and a strait man would never want to be thought of as a homosexual in the eyes of his peers

I totally agree. I think that it's because they think that their friends would tease them.

Some guys' feet don't know where to go in any dancing. Mea culpa.

when i was 5-6 yrs old, my mother taught me how to dance. it was a great confidence builder especially when we had a dance in school, i was able to get all of the girls and the other guys just sat around and watched me operate :-)

Well I personally like the ball room dancing, it can be really fun, but the problem that some guys have with ball room dancing is it can be tough to not stamp on some ones shoes, they are soo careful about it that they forget to to enjoy the dance. Also I havent had any formal instruction in ball room dancing but it sure is fun if the girl is ready to forgive me for stepping on her foot occasionally

I'm rapidly approaching my goal in life, to become a dirty old man, and I couldn't agree more. I even prefer the Standard dances, in which close body contact is continuous!

1) It's hard.
All that standing straight and having a good frame. And what's up with that stepping with your toes thing?

2) Girls are heavy.
Drops are hard to do. Forget lifts. You'd have to hit the gym like crazy just to pull some of the stunts.

3) Nobody cares.
When you perform, absolutely nobody pays any attention to the guy. They're all looking at the girl.

4) Unless you're dating your partner...
To be good, both people have to be good. You can't try to impress a girl you just met with your great dancing skills because she doesn't know the steps. So what's the point? And if you're dating your dance partner, then that's just awkward.

5) When was the last time you went to a Ball?
Ballroom dancing skills is useful at prom, wedding, and nowhere else.