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Position:Home>Dancing> How much would belly dancing classes cost?

Question:I live in Oklahoma

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I live in Oklahoma

Depending on where you live it can range on price
I am in iowa but i charge $10 p/class but i have no more than 8 to 10 students. My friend in california however charges $20 p/class and she has 10 to 15 students. As far as private lessons i charge $15 to 20 depending if you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced. She charges $30. You can go here and ask:

However it seems in Oklahoma it maybe between $10-15 p/class

maybe about 120+ for about 15 classes

I wouldn't charge you anything my lovely. Let me come round and I will look at your belly while you dance. No charge. Free. Zilch. Make me happy today