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Position:Home>Dancing> Leotards with high hips?

Question:What is the name of the style of leotard that has the hip totally exposed like the kind of swimsuits and workout outfits that were worn in the 80's and where can i get one?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is the name of the style of leotard that has the hip totally exposed like the kind of swimsuits and workout outfits that were worn in the 80's and where can i get one?

The other answers have it wrong. A leotard that is high on the hip, exposes alot of butt too and is called as you would expect it to be called. They are thong leotards. Ballet cut leotards are the opposite of this, they are very low on the hip and cover everything.

Here is an example

jumpsuits ? catsuits

Any good dance store

i believe it is called a "ballet cutline"
i saw it in a dance catalog