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Question:Where can one learn to be a breakdancing. maybe somewhere in washington?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Where can one learn to be a breakdancing. maybe somewhere in washington?

do some internet searches for a studio in your area that offers it or ask some friends who might know. sites like and all have some good video/text/picture guides for just about any move if you don't mind learning online. my favorite is the first one, but all of them are good. two more specific sites on youtube are and they're both links to video guides put up by that user not specific videos. most videos in the second link are in korean but they do a good job of visually showing you so they still work well. good luck!

EDIT: now requires you to sign up to see any of their guides (some of them used to be available to nonmembers) and it cost money to sign up. so unless you're willing to pay, i'd wouldn't use that site. sorry about that, i just went on the site a little bit ago after not going on it for a while and they've changed a lot.

the library might have some dance videos you can watch
good luck