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Position:Home>Dancing> How can i get involved in dancing, especially ballet?

Question:i love to dance ballet and go to a class, but it isnt doing much, other young pros are gettig accepted into the RAD and, what can i do to get regonised or at least to get taught better?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i love to dance ballet and go to a class, but it isnt doing much, other young pros are gettig accepted into the RAD and, what can i do to get regonised or at least to get taught better?

First, find a better class if you think you are not taught well. What is the track record of your ballet school / teacher as far as the careers of their students?

In class, do not be shy, you have to make sure you get noticed. Be where the teacher can easily see you. Don't be afraid to ask questions and ask for evaluation. Act confident, but take criticism with a smile, accept corrections and show your willingness to work hard work to improve as a dancer. Make sure they know your dedication and passion for ballet.

You said "other young pros" - - if you are a pro does your agent have any suggestions? that's what they are there for to help get you opportunities available for your level & age and make sure you get recognized.

talk to your dance teacher, see if she knows if your doing anything wrong. if your not, then ask her for auditions in the area, and places to apply to. Good luck, hope you get discovered!

Google Dance Schools in your area and look at the teachers credentials. I did this and found a dance school where the teachers performed for juliard and other dance companies. It was amazing working with them, I learned a lot, and moved up faster.

First, check up on the reputation of the school and your teacher. If you want to or desperately need to to get noticed, you might have to switch teachers or studios. Look for someone who is nice about her corrections and you will come to have a good realtionship with her, but still strict enough that you get better. If possible, sign up for a small class so that the teacher:student ratio is much smaller, Or you could sign up for a private or semi-private class to get better. Ask your dance teacher for audition notices, because there are bound to be some good auditions right near where you live for something like a city ballet. Just get in front where the teacher will notice you and practice all you can. Hope this helps! You could also google dance studios in your area that aren't too far away and check out their websites for more information about the school. You could also call the schools if you need to.