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Position:Home>Dancing> What style of belly dance does Ansuya normally use in her instructional videos?

Question:I think she's a tribal dancer, but I'm not sure. I prefer Egyptian Oriental or Arabic styles.

What kind of music does she choreograph to, and what style does she normally use?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think she's a tribal dancer, but I'm not sure. I prefer Egyptian Oriental or Arabic styles.

What kind of music does she choreograph to, and what style does she normally use?

I believe Ansuya is a blend of styles, with it mostly being American Cab. She doesn't really preform that much tribal that I know of. I don't have any of her solo DVDs so I can;t say for sure what music she choreographs to but I have a feeling it would tend more toward what the BellyDance Superstars use in their shows (Jillina, the artistic director uses mainly Egyptian). I think you would enjoy Ansuya. I suggest watching some youtube preformances of her. Also, check out for a source of DVD reviews.

where did you get that Ansuya does tribal?, she uses american cabaret style, one song that i've seen her use a lot is tabi tabi i dont recall the singer though